Success Stories

Flex-Ability Concepts & Progressive Stamping and Fabrication

It became very evident to me that they were fixing stuff before it was even broken. They’re well-trained, and they know what they’re talking about. We’ve had other services prior, but TeamLogic IT has much more foresight.

Dave Younge

Flex-Ability Concepts provides the right product for curved framing jobs, whether it’s framing with wood or metal. They pioneered the development of flexible track products. Flex-C Trac was the first framing product that could be curved by hand right on the job site, and it has become the brand by which all others are measured.

Flex-Ability Concepts sells directly to commercial dry wall yards or building supply houses that then sell to commercial supply contractors. They have proven their commitment to the market with regular additions to their product offering and with product innovations. They make it easier to create craftsman-like work, look for more than just a transaction, and enjoy collaboration.

On the Progressive Stamping and Fabrication side of the business, they help customers who need stamped or fabricated parts. They look for customers that want more than a transaction. They enjoy collaborating with their customers.

Dave Younge attended training with a TeamLogic IT of Oklahoma City owner, Davis Merrey, which is how they began connecting and discussing where they want to take their companies. TeamLogic IT had an approach that was collaborative, which is what first attracted Dave to them.

TeamLogic IT began by strategically helping both companies make sure their current IT setup was working great. Dave Younge and the TeamLogic IT team began meeting on a regular basis to talk about what was happening in the company and how IT could support that.

They eventually made the decision to move locations, and TeamLogic IT was there each and every day to help by workin on the IT system. TeamLogic IT team member Brandon Jackson is one of the key supporters of Flex-Ability Concepts.  Dave said, “Brandon actually calms me down when I get panicked about our IT—he… tells me they have everything under control.

“It became very evident to me that they were fixing stuff before it was even broken. They’re well-trained, and they know what they’re talking about. We’ve had other services prior, but TeamLogic IT has much more foresight.”