How cybersecurity has changed

Evolution of technology

 Over the course of my career, technology has changed drastically. As a result, the measures we have to take to keep things secure have changed as well.

If we’ve learned anything in the past 30 years, it’s that the cybersecurity landscape has changed significantly and shows no signs of slowing down. Why is that?

More and more devices are connected to the internet. And each internet connection is a potential access point that needs to be secured.

The target area has expanded due to the Internet of Things. Even 10 years ago, you really just had to worry about desktop and laptop computers. Now we have clients with connected printers, alarm systems, smart speakers, smart plugs, televisions, and more.

In addition, hackers have gotten more advanced. Even unskilled hackers have access to far more sophisticated tools than they had just a few years ago.

Both of those factors create an ever-growing danger for businesses. So cybersecurity has evolved to combat that danger.

The answer to all those changes is multiple levels of security. Where a simple anti-virus program on your desktop might have worked in years past, you now need some combination of the following:

  • Hardware firewalls
  • Software firewalls
  • Internet access controls
  • Antivirus software (yes, this is still necessary)
  • Anti-malware software
  • Computer and file encryption

There are plenty of other options available as well, depending on your specific situation. But one of the best countermeasures is training users to avoid dangerous websites and phishing strategies.

The online landscape has changed and will continue to change. Hackers and other malicious parties will continue to evolve, so cybersecurity must evolve to keep up.

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