
How can you protect against social engineering attacks?

By Adam Davis

Social engineering attacks are a method hackers use to try to steal your money or data. They can target you through text, email, or automated voice messages. To protect your organization, it is essential to understand these attacks and how to fight against them.

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How can you use virtual private networks (VPNs) for better security?

By Adam Davis

Any time you use the internet on a shared link, you risk your computer’s security. A great way to maximize your internet security is to use virtual private networks (VPNs).

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What are the best practices for email security?

By John Merrey

Email security is where organizations are often most vulnerable. That’s why you need a comprehensive email security plan.

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Cybersecurity best practices for small and medium businesses

By John Merrey

For most businesses, it should be a priority to have a cybersecurity policy as well as measures in place to make sure your organization is following the policy. Implement your measures appropriately and properly and make sure they’re being used by everybody on the team.

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How can you protect against ransomware attacks?

By Brandon Jackson

Ransomware attacks are from malicious software designed to block an organization’s files from being accessed until they make a ransom payment. Most of the time, organizations just pay the ransom to prevent the stop in productivity from losing access to their files. 

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How can you prevent data breaches?

By John Merrey

The digital age has resulted in unparalleled connectivity and convenience but has also given rise to an ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. The battle to secure sensitive data is unending, and organizations must be armed with more than just firewalls and antivirus software.

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Best practices for small business cybersecurity

By John Merrey

Following cybersecurity best practices should be part of your workplace culture. Make sure employees stay knowledgeable and that your computers have the cybersecurity tools they need. Here are some tips you can use to create a best practice guide for your organization to follow.

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Why is cybersecurity such a difficult problem to solve?

By John Merrey

The more your business depends on the internet, the more vulnerable it is to hackers. Cybersecurity is an ongoing battle between hackers and cybersecurity professionals that ultimately depends on overcoming human limitations.  Proactive hackers and reactive measures Hackers are continuously coming up with new ways to take control of computers, steal information, or other malicious…

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Neglected cybersecurity practices critical for the workplace

By John Merrey

As business owners, we know it is a priority to keep your business safe. We all know the basics of keeping your physical location safe, like using locks and security systems. But it can be challenging to know where to start when it comes to securing your digital assets. This has become especially critical considering the impact of COVID on our working landscape.

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Cybersecurity best practices for small and medium businesses

By John Merrey

Small and medium-sized businesses rely on technology to push forward their business goals and serve their customers. But what happens when that technology is leveraged against them by bad actors online? Cybercriminals can use malware, ransomware, phishing, and denial-of-service attacks to extort professionals. This is why cybersecurity is vital for businesses of all sizes because if you don’t protect your business from these attacks beforehand, you will pay for it on the backend. 

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