What technologies are required to work from home?

During the Covid-19 pandemic, more people began working from home. Making the switch from working in an office to working from your own home can be overwhelming. What do you need to work remotely? What about working securely?
These are only a few things required to work from home, though it can vary depending on your particular situation.
Reliable internet connection
If you’re working from home, the most important thing is to have a good internet connection for your laptop or desktop computer(s). Choosing the best internet option for remote employees varies based on their specific needs. Often, employees have to have a stable internet connection to access certain files, communicate through emails or video, research, etc.
Employees who have to be on video calls frequently will need faster internet speed, which should be at least 10Mbps. If you’re transferring large files, you should have at least 35Mbps.
Bandwidth is often confused with internet speed, but it’s actually referring to the volume of information sent over a connection. It’s the maximum amount of data that’s transmitted. The more bandwidth a connection has, the more data it can send and receive at once.
A firewall is a network security system that protects and controls traffic, filtering unsecured or suspicious sources to prevent cyberattacks. It doesn’t matter how fast your internet speed is or what the bandwidth connection is; you need some type of cybersecurity to protect your data.
Cyber attackers are out to get whatever information they can, so it’s crucial to have a firewall to protect both your and your employer’s assets.
Many people have already adjusted to working from home, but others are just getting started. As long as you have the required technologies and a workable schedule, you’ll be set. If you have any questions or need any help getting set up, TeamLogic IT would love to help.