How to protect yourself from hackers

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One thing we at TeamLogic IT like to stress to our clients is the importance of cybersecurity. Every day, hackers find new, unique ways to gain access to your personal or sensitive information, whether it’s phishing emails, fake accounts, and more. Here are a few ways to protect yourself against hackers.

Password safety tips

An important key in protecting your information is to have a strong password. When creating a password, keep in mind that you should not overthink it. The password should be strong, but also something you can remember. If you constantly forget your password, you could fall into the habit of using the same password for every account you have, which puts you at risk for hacking.

We’re all human, and it can be hard to remember every password you have. This is where password managers come in. A password manager that we commonly recommend is LastPass, a great tool that helps you create strong passwords. 

A few other tips when creating a strong password include:

  • Don’t use personal information
  • Create longer passwords
  • Don’t write passwords down
  • Don’t use the same password for everything

Staying up to date with security

If you see an update for your phone or computer, be sure to do it. New updates typically include updated security. Doing this makes it more difficult for hackers to get into your accounts. 

While staying up to date on security is essential, keeping up with cybersecurity news is, too. Because hackers are frequently finding new ways to phish, you should at least have an idea of what their trends are. 

For example, during the pandemic, hackers on LinkedIn began posing as businesses who were hiring. It looked very real, and they were able to get access to people’s personal information. Stay educated, stay updated, and never be too careful when it comes to your personal information.

Protecting your personal information

When it comes to your personal information, you have to be careful how much you share. This includes social media, phishing emails, phone calls, and more. Hackers can easily steal your information if they already know most of it. 

Phishing emails and phone calls can be tricky because some of them seem believable. If it sounds too good to be true, it’s probably fake. Email platforms such as Gmail are typically good about catching spam emails, but sometimes, they slip through. 

You should always take precautions when it comes to sensitive data and personal information. Create strong passwords, stay up to date, be aware, and most importantly, have cybersecurity. Don’t fall victim to hacking.

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