The number one cybersecurity threat for businesses

A computer popup box screen warning of a system being hacked, compromised software enviroment. 3D illustration.

Cybersecurity used to be something of an afterthought. But in today’s hyper-connected world, it’s an everyday concern. The average person probably knows about ransomware, phishing, and social engineering.

Your business can’t rely on security by obscurity. It’s not a matter of if you will be affected. It’s a matter of when. Fortunately for you, many problems can be solved with training and attention.

The problem that lies between the keyboard and chair

The secret of cybersecurity is that a lot of it isn’t really that cyber. It’s about people.

Most cyberattacks stem from human error, whether through a mistake or a deliberate circumvention of security policy. Here are some areas you can check to make sure you’re on safe ground.

Password protection

Passwords are regularly compromised. Sometimes it’s a matter of an easily-cracked, easily-guessed password. But more often than not, it has to do with another problem: using one password for multiple accounts.

Most often, this starts with a user’s Google or email password. That password is used across the internet for everything from their contact lens subscription to movie theater tickets. One of those systems gets compromised, an attacker uses that password to crack their other accounts, and it’s game over.

Personal information leads to more personal information. Don’t let attackers start the breadcrumb trail.

Email vigilance 

Phishing is the most common cybersecurity issue. Someone gets an email, they submit their personal information in a form, and the hacker has access to their email. It’s easy and can be done at volume.

The real problem comes once they have access to the company email. Email is the key to so many things. They can change passwords and lock you out. They can access important company information. They can spoof other sites into sending information.

Run regular blind security checks for phishing so your users know the dangers. Keep them on their toes.

Social engineering spoofs

Phishing is only one way people can get information. Social engineering is the art of getting people to break regular security protocols so a hacker can gain access, and some people are very, very good at it. These attacks tend to be more targeted.

Make sure your users know security protocol and are following it. No passwords written down. No unattended devices. All the basics. We can help if you need a hand. Contact TeamLogic IT today, and we’ll help you avoid costly cyberattacks.

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