What can Microsoft 365 do for my business?


Microsoft 365 gives you premium versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, One Note, and some newer apps like Microsoft Defender, Editor, and Teams. Places using it organization-wide also benefit from ensuring file compatibility, secure file sharing, and email domain consistency.  

File compatibility

Each new Microsoft 365 yearly subscription ensures you get the latest versions of each app. When each person in your organization uses the most current versions, you avoid problems because of incompatible file formats between older and newer versions. 

These issues can cause formatting problems, missing features, or sometimes being unable to open them at all. Trying to fix these issues wastes time and energy. 

Secure file sharing

Most organizations share files back and forth through email attachments, which is insecure. With Microsoft 365, you’ve got various ways to ensure only the right person can access shared files. 

Some include adding file permissions in OneDrive before sending them in Outlook or adding password protection to your files. Microsoft 365 also allows you to encrypt your confidential messages before sending them. Microsoft Teams provides even more secure file-sharing options, such as the ability to share with only specific team members. 

Email domain consistency

Some people have a hard time letting go of their old email addresses. But that doesn’t mean “olddog43@aol.com” should be used to represent your organization. 

Microsoft 365 lets you create your own personalized email addresses in Outlook so everyone in your organization can have a consistent email domain. This helps your organization look more professional and helps those that receive your emails trust the source more. 

Need help setting up Microsoft 365 organization-wide? We can make sure your version of Microsoft 365 has all the apps you need. Contact TeamLogic IT today. 

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