What are the benefits of using SharePoint online?
By John Merrey

SharePoint stands out as a valuable part of the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, particularly due to its seamless integration with OneDrive and the entire suite of Microsoft 365 applications. This connectivity not only enhances productivity but also streamlines workflows across platforms.
Centralized file storage
SharePoint allows you to securely store files and folders in the cloud by creating an internal internet accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.
Collaboration features
SharePoint gives you the ability to collaborate with others in your organization, offering you the ability to facilitate teamwork and project management.
Permission settings
With SharePoint, you have granular control over file access. You can set various levels of permissions for different user groups. For example, all your C-level employees can access all the folders, while your next-level employees only have access to specific folders.
Security measures
SharePoint has robust security features to protect sensitive data. You can configure these to ensure you comply with industry standards and regulations.
Comparison with OneDrive
OneDrive can work well with SharePoint, but it is much more limited.
Internal vs. external sharing
OneDrive works well to store your documents and folders until they’re ready to share. However, SharePoint allows you to share internally within your organization and assigns settings for external sharing on an individual file, folder, library, and website basis. OneDrive doesn’t allow you to share sites.
Strengths of SharePoint over OneDrive
SharePoint facilitates collaboration and increases producibility across organizations. It integrates with the Microsoft 365 suite to manage your content in a seamless workflow.
It acts as your own personal server, providing centralized file storage with a wide range of collaboration formats. You get individual control over file access, including at the site level, with built-in security features to protect sensitive data.
Ready to move beyond OneDrive and use SharePoint to increase your productivity? We can help you configure SharePoint to get the most out of its collaboration security features. Contact TeamLogic IT today.