How can you protect against ransomware attacks?
By Adam Davis

Ransomware is a hacking attack that keeps you from accessing your computer files and other computer systems until you pay a ransom to regain access. Some attacks also share personal information.
Regularly update software and patch vulnerabilities
Keep any internet-connected servers, such as web browsers, browser plugins, operating systems, and document readers, up to date. Consider moving your systems to the cloud for more secure systems and updates.
Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
By implementing Multi-Factor Authentication, you add another level of security to prevent your credentials from being compromised. MFA requires using two or more verification methods to authenticate a login and is required for cyber attack insurance.
Backup data frequently and securely
Keeping at least one backup offsite or offline is good practice, so ransomware can’t touch it. You should also store your backups in multiple locations so that if one backup is affected by ransomware, you have another safe backup. Have a backup protocol in place, and make sure your employees are educated on it and follow through at the regular intervals you assign.
Educate employees on phishing and social engineering
Phishing and social engineering are similar practices. Hackers use phishing to attempt to access your computer or personal information via emails designed to look like they’re from a legitimate source. Social engineering is phishing attempts that pretend to be from someone you know. Employees must understand these practices and how to watch out for them.
Use endpoint protection and firewalls
Endpoint protection protects “endpoint” devices connected to the Internet, such as laptops, phones, and smart TVs. Firewalls act as barriers that examine file packets as they come in to scan for malware.
Is your organization protected enough against ransomware? We provide businesses with comprehensive protection services to stop ransomware attacks and other cybersecurity threats. Contact TeamLogic IT today.