How can you recognize phishing emails?


Most cyber-attacks start with phishing emails. That’s why it is critical that every member of your organization be able to recognize phishing emails when they receive them.

Look for suspicious sender addresses

You can often spot phishing emails starting at the sender’s address. Does it look like it comes from a legitimate source? Is it the correct spelling of that source? Sometimes, the illegitimate email address is not visible in the header. That’s why it’s a good idea to hover over or click on the sender address to see the actual email address being used.

Beware of urgent or threatening language

Scammers often try to get you to act without thinking by using urgent or threatening language. Phishing messages may include phrases like “last notice” or “act now before losing service.” You can counteract that impulse to click a link or reply with personal information by reading it carefully more than once. Does what the email claims match your current expectations regarding the source? For instance, can you be about to lose service if you know you’re paid up with the supposed email source?

Inspect links and attachments carefully

Another common technique that scammers use in phishing emails is hiding the real name of links and attachments. The label it shows is not always the truth. You can usually view the real link or file name by hovering over the link or attachment on a desktop. That way, you can spot if it’s trying to trick you into going somewhere different than it’s claiming.

Identify generic greetings and poor grammar

The high volume of phishing emails and poor writing skills of most phishing email writers lead to many being sent with generic greetings and poor grammar. “I hope this email finds you well” is a common generic greeting. Emails from professional organizations will also likely have little or no grammar problems.

Want to avoid more cyberattack techniques? We can help your organization choose and implement cybersecurity technology, processes, and training. Contact TeamLogic IT today.

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