9 tips for addressing coronavirus in your business
By Davis Merrey

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) are recommending organizations have a plan for conducting business should the COVID-19 virus continue to affect the U.S. and world populations. Not every business can afford to close or move to a “work from home” environment, so what should you consider when developing a plan for your company and workers?
- First and foremost, TeamLogic IT provides uninterrupted remote support for our managed IT services clients. So, while you are no doubt concerned about your people, know that your systems and infrastructure should be protected from downtime and general security risks.
- Consider the core systems and critical applications that your staff uses. Are they PC, server or cloud based? Cloud services provide for desktop and application sharing that can maximize employee productivity onsite and offsite.
- Do employees have home access to common applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.? Do their home computers have solid security programs, such as Webroot or Sophos, and are their internet connections solid?
- Are all remote work connections secure? Remote access software and virtual private networks (VPNs) can help to alleviate the risks of having employees work from home.
- How will you handle office phones, printers and other office infrastructure? Ensure you have the cell phone numbers and home addresses of all employees.
- Review your Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) Policy. As more people use their own home computers, smartphones and tablets for business purposes, cybersecurity risks rise. With your corporate apps and data coexisting with personal apps and data you have an obligation to police both.
- Evaluate planned business travel and be sure your employees are educated about common “road warrior” risks such as the use of WiFi in airports and other common areas.
- Unified communications, or the integration of instant and text messaging, voice, data, video conferencing and web services are another option for maximizing productivity throughout your organization.
- Finally, TeamLogic IT is ready to help you develop a communications plan for your staff and operations. We also can assist with staff training, home computer set ups and other services to help your business stay connected in the event of a local or national crisis.
Call us today for more information at 405-840-1545.
Posted in IT Strategy