
What are the risks of password reuse?

By Adam Davis

It is convenient for many people to reuse passwords because they do not want to remember different passwords or worry about complicated password rules. That convenience, however, can put you at risk for data theft, so it is essential to understand the risks and what you should do instead.

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Risks of poor business password management

By Brandon Jackson

The most commonly neglected cybersecurity area is password management. If your organization is not using best practices like strong, unique passwords or secure password management tools, you risk a significant breach. 

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What is the ideal password policy?

By Brandon Jackson

In today’s digital world, protecting sensitive information is more critical than ever. One key aspect of safeguarding data is implementing a strong password policy. However, finding the ideal balance between security and user-friendliness can be challenging.

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How do you manage business passwords?

By Brandon Jackson

Workstation login. Cloud login. Email login. A hundred different application logins. Modern business requires a lot of passwords! It can be daunting to keep up and easy to start taking shortcuts with your security.

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Password best practices 2021

By Brandon Jackson

Living in a digital world is great, but it requires necessary precautions to protect yourself and your personal information. We’ve grown accustomed to usernames and passwords. As the world evolves and hackers become more clever, the rule of thumb for creating a secure password has evolved, too.

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Can hashed passwords be hacked?

By Brandon Jackson

In the world of cybersecurity, a well-known concept is hashing, which is when a system uses an algorithm to modify a password before storing it or checking it against a stored password. It’s a powerful security tool. Let’s dive more into what hashing is and whether or not hashed passwords can be hacked. How hashing…

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How long should a passphrase be?

By Brandon Jackson

You may have heard that longer passwords are stronger passwords, but is that really the case? What is the best password length for security? How long should a passphrase be? In this quick guide, we’ll go over the basics for creating a secure online password.  The difference between a password and a passphrase The terms…

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Is LastPass secure?

By John Merrey

LastPass is one of the most popular password management services out there, and it’s trusted by many users. But is it really secure? Why password managers exist Keeping track of passwords for everything online can get hard, so many users fall back on lazy habits like using the same password for everything. That’s horrible for…

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Password vs passphrase

By Brandon Jackson

One of the key layers of cybersecurity is good password hygiene. But today’s security can make the situation more complex. Now you have password managers, two factor authentication using apps, fingerprint protection, and even facial identification.

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How password authentication works

By Brandon Jackson

Ever wondered why most systems can’t tell you what password you used when you signed up? Or wondered if your password was being stored insecurely by a service you were using? How can you even tell if it’s stored securely, and what does that mean?

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