
What are the risks of clicking on links in phishing emails?

By John Merrey

Phishing emails are an internet scam that sends emails from seemingly legitimate sources to target people by tricking them into allowing access to their personal information. By understanding the risks of clicking on links in phishing emails, you can be more mindful of watching out for these scams.

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Office 365 anti-phishing policy

By Brandon Jackson

If you’ve ever received a suspicious email or text message from someone asking you for your personal information, you probably know what phishing is and how to identify it. Unfortunately, many people aren’t aware of phishing, how to identify it, or what services can help deter these scams.

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What to do after responding to a phishing email

By John Merrey

If you have access to any of the email platforms on the internet, chances are you have received a suspicious email from a cyber attacker. These are referred to as phishing emails, which can look something like this…

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Can phishing be prevented?

By John Merrey

Phishing is one of the most common online attacks. Last year 22 percent of attacks came through phishing, and if you’re not careful you could be a victim. This method of stealing someone’s data by spoofing a message from a legitimate company is an insidious trick that can be easier to fall for than you…

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How phishing is accomplished

By John Merrey

It’s important to protect yourself from phishing scams. But what is a phishing scam? How is phishing accomplished in the first place?

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Are phishing attacks on the rise?

By Brandon Jackson

Nobody wants to believe they can become a victim of a phishing attack. After all, you’re smarter than that, right? The truth is that even smart people fall for them, and phishing attacks are on the rise as a result. However, the tactics they use have changed in the last year or so. When phishing…

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More tips to avoid phishing attacks

By John Merrey

Phishing attacks have been on the rise for many years now. Just as technology adapts to the attacks, the attackers continue to adapt to the technology, trying newer and more effective phishing methods on a regular basis.

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How do I report a phishing email?

By Brandon Jackson

If you’ve ever had someone access any of your online accounts without your consent, you know what a pain it can be. Depending on what is accessed, it can range from being annoying to being a huge problem. So when you get a phishing email that’s trying to steal your login information, how do you report it so that others aren’t taken advantage of?

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Tips to avoid phishing attacks

By Davis Merrey

Ever had someone gain access to one of your online accounts? It can cause major problems and be a challenge to get cleaned up. While it could have been a password leak at a company you have an account with, there’s also a decent chance it’s a result of a phishing attack. Let’s take a…

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How to protect yourself from phishing scams

By Davis Merrey

It’s not uncommon for people to install an anti-virus or anti-malware software and think they’re covered in terms of online safety. But phishing scams are a way hackers can get around that software to obtain your personal information.  A phishing scam typically involves an email (or even a phone call) asking you to verify some…

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