Is Microsoft Teams part of Office 365?

By John Merrey

Microsoft Office 365 is used by millions of people every day, including big and small businesses. Whether you’re working in a corporate or home office, Office 365 can be of great use to you and your team, especially through the use of Microsoft Teams. What is Microsoft Teams? Microsoft Teams is a collaboration app that…

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What are cybersecurity layers?

By Brandon Jackson

Cybersecurity consists of different tactics and technologies that keep computer systems and data safe. In a world full of people using computers and the internet every day, cybersecurity is a growing need and is essential to the safety of others, including businesses. Importance of cybersecurity With most of the population having an online presence, shielding…

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Do companies save money with remote employees?

By John Merrey

As many areas of the world enter a post-COVID period, the question arises of whether companies should continue to have remote employees. Will that save them money? The answer varies depending on different circumstances and types of businesses. Despite the 2020 pandemic, remote work has always existed, and more companies are making a move to work remotely, permanently.

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Password best practices 2021

By Brandon Jackson

Living in a digital world is great, but it requires necessary precautions to protect yourself and your personal information. We’ve grown accustomed to usernames and passwords. As the world evolves and hackers become more clever, the rule of thumb for creating a secure password has evolved, too.

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Industries that need cybersecurity

By John Merrey

At TeamLogic IT, we always stress the importance of cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is used to protect data, devices, networks, programs, and more from a cyber attack. Hackers are constantly finding different ways to steal sensitive information, and fortunately, cybersecurity software and technology have kept up with it.

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Cloud computing business examples

By Brandon Jackson

Cloud computing refers to storing and accessing data over the internet. This includes databases, storage, software, servers, and more. Instead of storing sensitive files on your laptop, it’s stored on a remote server.

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How to protect yourself from hackers

By John Merrey

One thing we at TeamLogic IT like to stress to our clients is the importance of cybersecurity. Every day, hackers find new, unique ways to gain access to your personal or sensitive information, whether it’s phishing emails, fake accounts, and more. Here are a few ways to protect yourself against hackers.

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Can Office 365 be used offline?

By Brandon Jackson

Microsoft Office 365 has different applications to choose from, and it’s very beneficial for most industries. However, not everyone has access to the internet, at least not all the time. What if the electricity goes out? What if you’re traveling and don’t have access to the internet, but you still need to get work done?

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Are Office 365 emails encrypted?

By John Merrey

As technology progresses and hackers find new, creative ways to steal your information, new security options continue to grow, too. Without security, the internet would be chaotic, and everyone would have their identity stolen. It’s crucial that you take security precautions to protect your information. Office 365 is used by millions of people every day,…

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Is 4 TB enough for NAS?

By Brandon Jackson

Storage is an important key when it comes to saving your information. Whether it’s for personal or business use, you need to be able to safely file and backup documents and any other information you’d like to store.  Network Attached Storage (NAS) is a great way to do this, and it does it securely. NAS…

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