Brandon Jackson

What are the types of cloud services?

By Brandon Jackson

Trying to master the cloud can feel like taming a wild mustang. You know there’s power and functionality, but realizing that potential will be a massive undertaking. If you need guidance on the cloud and how to use it, read on.  What is the cloud?  The cloud is just servers that can be accessed via…

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What kind of technology does remote work need?

By Brandon Jackson

COVID-19 changed the work landscape. Across the country, as lockdowns and social distancing took effect, companies that previously never would have considered it sent people home to begin remote work. The genie is out of the bottle now. Even as the world returns to normal, remote work has tripled in the United States since 2019.

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What to look for in an IT support company

By Brandon Jackson

What makes a great managed service provider (MSP)? Maybe it’s access to the best Office 365 features. Or extensive documentation. Perhaps it’s the best and newest hardware or the fastest network. I’m here to tell you…

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What is a cyberattack?

By Brandon Jackson

Every business fears cyberattacks. With so much of our modern world going online, a cyberattack has gone from a nuisance to a massive problem. You need to understand what goes into one—and how it can affect you.

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What does anti-phishing software do? 

By Brandon Jackson

Phishing is one of the most common cyberattacks you’ll encounter. It’s a simple concept: someone pretends to be someone they’re not by spoofing a website or an email. They ask for personal information, then steal that information.

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How do you manage business passwords?

By Brandon Jackson

Workstation login. Cloud login. Email login. A hundred different application logins. Modern business requires a lot of passwords! It can be daunting to keep up and easy to start taking shortcuts with your security.

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The number one cybersecurity threat for businesses

By Brandon Jackson

Cybersecurity used to be something of an afterthought. But in today’s hyper-connected world, it’s an everyday concern. The average person probably knows about ransomware, phishing, and social engineering.

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Cybersecurity concerns in the work from home era

By Brandon Jackson

Some employees have headed back to the workplace, but remote work is entrenched now, and many companies are allowing either fully remote or hybrid employment. That means a new set of challenges for organizations.

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Who owns the cloud?

By Brandon Jackson

Remember floppy disks? Or CD-Rs? Or thumb drives? When you wanted to store files somewhere, you’d copy them to a physical medium that kept them. Then you’d use them at your leisure. You also installed programs from a floppy or a CD-ROM.

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Is a server necessary for small business?

By Brandon Jackson

Servers are essentially data processors and storage and can be used professionally and personally. Knowing the basics of a server is essential to understanding what will work best for you and your business or organization.

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