Brandon Jackson

Technologies you need to work from home

By Brandon Jackson

A large portion of the workforce has moved from the typical office to remote or hybrid work. Whether you work from home full time or only on occasion, it’s important to have the necessary tools to do your work and do it securely.

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Office 365 anti-phishing policy

By Brandon Jackson

If you’ve ever received a suspicious email or text message from someone asking you for your personal information, you probably know what phishing is and how to identify it. Unfortunately, many people aren’t aware of phishing, how to identify it, or what services can help deter these scams.

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How do businesses use Microsoft Teams?

By Brandon Jackson

Email, shared drive networks, phone, and video conferencing are all tools that have grown in popularity as business requires a further reach to get the job done. With the growing prominence of remote work, the challenge of integrating the tools of old and working with their potential problems required a more modern and seamless solution. 

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Does virtualization slow down your computer?

By Brandon Jackson

Virtual machine computing allows for the seamless sharing of data and even remote desktop interfacing between numerous users and a central computing network.  With most of the processing being done away from the user, what does this mean for the tools and connection they have on hand? Will the end user’s current hardware be sufficient…

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What’s the difference between cloud computing and virtualization?

By Brandon Jackson

When it comes to cyber security hardware, there are two options: cloud computing and virtualization. Many may not understand the difference between the two. However, it is important to know the differences between cloud computing and virtualization to help keep sensitive data protected.

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What is included in IT managed services?

By Brandon Jackson

Today, businesses have to be prepared and responsive in a world of technology. That means that you should have plans for the unexpected in place, including cybersecurity. Trust me, we know it sounds like a lot, especially when not everyone knows their way around the complexity of technology. 

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What should security awareness training include?

By Brandon Jackson

Security is a necessary tool for any web user, but especially for businesses. Research has shown that human error is involved in most security breaches, and this number can decrease if people become more aware of cybersecurity, specifically through security awareness training. 

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What are cybersecurity layers?

By Brandon Jackson

Cybersecurity consists of different tactics and technologies that keep computer systems and data safe. In a world full of people using computers and the internet every day, cybersecurity is a growing need and is essential to the safety of others, including businesses. Importance of cybersecurity With most of the population having an online presence, shielding…

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Password best practices 2021

By Brandon Jackson

Living in a digital world is great, but it requires necessary precautions to protect yourself and your personal information. We’ve grown accustomed to usernames and passwords. As the world evolves and hackers become more clever, the rule of thumb for creating a secure password has evolved, too.

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Cloud computing business examples

By Brandon Jackson

Cloud computing refers to storing and accessing data over the internet. This includes databases, storage, software, servers, and more. Instead of storing sensitive files on your laptop, it’s stored on a remote server.

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