John Merrey

What are the disadvantages of Office 365?

By John Merrey

Microsoft 365 is one of the most popular productivity suites in the world, holding almost half of the world market. It’s a powerful toolbox that comes with many advantages.

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What are the pros and cons of virtualization?

By John Merrey

The cloud is more than just your Google Drive or your online applications. It’s a collection of powerful tools you can use to supercharge your business—and here’s why.

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Virtualization in cloud computing examples

By John Merrey

The cloud is more than just your Google Drive or your online applications. It’s a powerful tool you can use to supercharge your servers—and here’s why.

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How do remote workers benefit the employer?

By John Merrey

Remote work has taken over the white-collar world. 58% of Americans surveyed by McKinsey had the opportunity to work from home at least one day a week in 2022. The workforce has changed, and working from home is now commonplace.

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Can you use Office 365 Home for small business?

By John Merrey

There’s a difference between home- and commercial-grade tools. It’s essentially common sense that the drill you use to put up the curtains in your house won’t stand up to being thrown in and out of toolboxes and used eight hours a day on a job site.

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How much does a small business server cost?

By John Merrey

Small businesses need technology and connectivity to survive in the modern world. And if you’re looking to upgrade, it can be challenging to figure out what’s important. If you’ve been confused by the number of server options out there, you’re not alone.

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What happens in a cyberattack?

By John Merrey

The digital world is changing rapidly, and you need to stay on top of it. A cyberattack can be one the most damaging events for your company, so knowing how they work will help deter future problems before they happen!

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Challenges of remote work for employers

By John Merrey

COVID-19 changed many things, and perhaps the biggest was remote work. Companies that had long been resistant to letting their employees leave the office decided to incorporate full-time work-from-home policies, even after the pandemic restrictions were loosened. The genie is out of the bottle, and there’s no putting it back in.

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What are some examples of cybercrime?

By John Merrey

When you hear “cybercrime,” what comes to mind? Do you picture a hacker in a basement, searching for their next cyber victim? Do you think of those weird, sketchy emails that sometimes appear in your inbox?

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Does Microsoft have a cloud service?

By John Merrey

Millions of organizations and individuals use cloud services to ensure their information and data are secure. Cloud computing consists of storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and more. It’s great for efficiency, especially for those who work remotely.

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