IT Strategy

What are cybersecurity threats?

By John Merrey

Cybersecurity is protecting yourself agains online threats. Here at TeamLogic IT, we focus on protecting entire environments against malicious parties getting in. A lot of layers and methods of protection go into that.

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9 tips for addressing coronavirus in your business

By Davis Merrey

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) are recommending organizations have a plan for conducting business should the COVID-19 virus continue to affect the U.S. and world populations. Not every business can afford to close or move to a “work from home” environment, so what should you consider when developing a plan for your company and workers?

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Cloud vs on premise

By John Merrey

Traditionally, businesses kept data on premise where the work was actually being done. It sat on a data server somewhere, even if the server was simply a repurposed desktop computer. But with the cloud as an option, how do you determine whether you should move your data there or keep it local?

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How to ensure business continuity

By Davis Merrey

For most organizations, downtime is inevitable. Servers and desktops crash at some point, tornados strike, and other acts of God happen. Most of that will impact your business in some way, which is why it’s vital to have a business continuity plan. Business continuity consists of having a “what if” plan when disaster strikes, which…

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Three questions to ask before switching to VoIP

By Davis Merrey

In today’s fast-paced business world, many companies are switching to VoIP (Voice over IP) phone systems to save money and save time on the upkeep of a traditional phone system. It’s an attractive option for many businesses, but like anything else, it’s important to evaluate if it’s really the right move for your business needs.…

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Is VoIP the right option for your company?

By Davis Merrey

More and more companies are switching to VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) for their office phone system, but is it right for your business? First, let’s explain the basics of VoIP. It takes the analog audio signals used in telecommunications and converts them to digital data that can be transmitted through the internet. As long…

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Security audits can save your business

By Davis Merrey

That might sound like a sensational headline, but it’s true. A security audit can, in fact, save your business.  According to a report from Verizon, 58% of malware attack victims are categorized as small businesses. And according to a 2017 report by Ponemon, cyber attacks cost small and medium-sized businesses an average of more than…

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Assessing your IT infrastructure

By Davis Merrey

Your IT infrastructure includes all of the information technology that keeps your business running—hardware, software, and security. That means the various computers used by your team, the different programs they have installed (or that they access online), and the firewalls, spam filters, malware protection, and other things in place to protect you and your company.…

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What’s at stake during an IT outage?

By Davis Merrey

Most of us have been there: a server crashes or the network goes down and productivity throughout the office slows to a snail’s pace. Or maybe it’s just you and your aging laptop that finally decided it wasn’t going to turn on today. It’s frustrating when that happens, but your patience isn’t the only thing…

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Why cybersecurity matters

By Davis Merrey

When talking about cybersecurity issues, many people jump straight to thinking about hackers and ransomware. But studies have shown that anywhere from 50% to 95% of security incidents are due to human error. That’s a pretty staggering number!  So what does that mean? It means every business, large or small, is potentially at risk. For…

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