John Merrey

Can you work offline with Office 365?

By John Merrey

Office 365 is the latest edition of the popular Microsoft Office software, and it’s merged with online functionality to the point where you need an Internet connection for most tasks. But is it possible to work offline? How autosave works If you’re working on an online file in SharePoint or OneDrive, your changes will be…

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Does a small business need a server?

By John Merrey

More and more companies are switching to cloud solutions instead of having an on premise server, meaning one located in the same physical location as the business. So how can you tell when your small business actually needs a server? Or do small businesses ever need a server?

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What are cybersecurity threats?

By John Merrey

Cybersecurity is protecting yourself agains online threats. Here at TeamLogic IT, we focus on protecting entire environments against malicious parties getting in. A lot of layers and methods of protection go into that.

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How phishing is accomplished

By John Merrey

It’s important to protect yourself from phishing scams. But what is a phishing scam? How is phishing accomplished in the first place?

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How Office 365 works

By John Merrey

In years past, businesses purchased software, installed it on computers, and then at some point they had to upgrade it. That’s how everything worked, and Microsoft Office suite was no exception.

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Can Office 365 be used on a Mac?

By John Merrey

If you work in an all-Mac environment, or even if you work in a Windows environment but one or two people have a Mac, you may have wondered if Office 365 can be used on a Mac. The short answer: Yes, but it depends how you’re using it. The online version of Office 365 If…

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Are cloud services secure?

By John Merrey

Cloud services can be a great solution. You can get storage and software without worrying about constant upgrading and replacing local software and even hardware. But with any cloud services, security is always a concern.

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More tips to avoid phishing attacks

By John Merrey

Phishing attacks have been on the rise for many years now. Just as technology adapts to the attacks, the attackers continue to adapt to the technology, trying newer and more effective phishing methods on a regular basis.

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What Office 365 includes

By John Merrey

If you’ve thought about moving to Office 365, you may have found yourself asking what exactly was included with your investment. There are different levels of Office 365, depending on which version you purchase. Let’s take a look at the different versions.

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Should I use a password or fingerprint?

By John Merrey

With all the data today’s computers and phones have on them, they need to be properly secured. After all, you’re walking around with a device that can access your social media, email, and even bank accounts. Do you really want to risk someone stealing your identity because your phone wasn’t properly secured? So which one should you use, a password or your fingerprint?

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