Cloud Services

How cloud computing works

By Brandon Jackson

I’m often asked how cloud computing works. People tell me they have no experience with it and don’t understand it. The truth is, if you’ve had somebody hosting your email for ten years, then you’ve used cloud computing for ten years.

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Are cloud services secure?

By John Merrey

Cloud services can be a great solution. You can get storage and software without worrying about constant upgrading and replacing local software and even hardware. But with any cloud services, security is always a concern.

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NAS vs cloud

By Brandon Jackson

In years past, data storage for many organizations was done through local servers. In the last couple of decades, a couple different options have become widespread: Network Attached Storage—NAS— and the cloud.

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Cloud vs on premise

By John Merrey

Traditionally, businesses kept data on premise where the work was actually being done. It sat on a data server somewhere, even if the server was simply a repurposed desktop computer. But with the cloud as an option, how do you determine whether you should move your data there or keep it local?

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Can cloud storage fail?

By Brandon Jackson

We’re big advocates of the cloud. But if you’re new to the cloud, one concern you may have is whether or not cloud storage can fail. It can! Cloud storage data loss is a valid concern. The cloud is not fool-proof by any means.

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How cloud storage works

By Davis Merrey

 In our business, we’ve found that while many people fear the cloud, they don’t realize they’ve actually been in it for years. Did you know social media services and webmail services are both cloud-based services? In fact, cloud storage is probably safer than the mailbox at your house! What is the cloud? There’s a joke…

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Choosing your cloud storage solution

By Davis Merrey

Cloud storage has been around for several years now. As a result, many of our clients have at least a passing familiarity with it. In some cases, they’ve used it personally and may even be using it in the workplace. One of the questions we hear often is, “Which cloud storage solution is right for…

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Does cloud storage make anti-virus obsolete?

By Davis Merrey

For years, viruses have been a realistic aspect to owning and operating a computer. If you want to keep your computer up and running, you need to have anti-virus software installed and kept up-to-date. But what if you’re using cloud storage to back up your files? In that case, are your files safe from the…

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Evaluating cloud storage options

By Davis Merrey

When’s the last time you shared a file with someone else? Chances are pretty good you’ve done it in the last week, if not the last day, or maybe last minute! Over the years, there have been a number of different technologies used to share files with others. You may have first shared files using…

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Are you in the clouds about the cloud?

By Davis Merrey

Cloud services are extremely popular today with everything from photos in iCloud to documents in OneDrive. Small business owners often wonder if they should be using the cloud, and it’s a big decision. Moving to the cloud changes the way documents are used and shared throughout an office. A recent Intuit study predicts the number…

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